Considerations for Server Room Layouts

Data center server room layouts for airflow management

Many businesses rely on data centers for their everyday work, especially IT departments that need additional security. You know your data center’s layout needs to be able to keep it at the proper temperature. This system will ideally be dissipating consistent rates of heat to keep your airflow management system at the proper level. Follow […]

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When to Use an Airflow Management System for a Data Center

Data center air flow containment patterns

As a medium-to-large sized business, your data center is a respectable size. While it’s not overly large, it’s still large enough that without a proper cooling system in place, it could overheat. Your company relies on the security that data centers provide, so you’ll need some design to keep the server racks at their proper […]

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Creating a Safe Data Center Airflow Management System

Hot and cold aisle containment within data center design.

While an aesthetically-pleasing data center is always an added bonus to a design, you will want to make sure it is functioning properly, heating and cooling down your server racks to the right temperature, first and foremost. Consider the following with your airflow management team to create the best data center cooling system. Choose a […]

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Configuring Your Data Center For Expansion

Over time, your company’s data center needs may change. Perhaps you need to expand your data center, or you decide your containment system needs more room to be its most effective. In these cases, you may want to consider expanding your data center’s space. Given the proper space, you can retrofit existing data centers in […]

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