Types of Data Center Doors
When it comes to designing a method of air flow management and containment in server aisles, many businesses use data center enclosures. At the end of one aisle, at least, there has to be a way to enter and exit the data center room or enclosure. For that reason, different types of doors are offered […]
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Aisle Containment Extends the Life of Data Centers
If you operate a computer room, data center, cleanroom for sensitive air containment, or technology center, you know the challenges presented when it comes to maintaining a high level of efficiency. One of the things that can cause significant setbacks is when equipment fails; this can lead to downtime and costly repairs or hardware replacement. […]
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Build an In house Data Center For Your Private Data
Building an in house data center for your private data is necessary if you want to maintain strict control of your digital assets. As a business grows, the computing power needed to effectively store and manage digital assets grows as well. Storing crucial data is as important to a company as the product they manufacture […]
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