When to Use an Airflow Management System for a Data Center

Data center air flow containment patterns

As a medium-to-large sized business, your data center is a respectable size. While it’s not overly large, it’s still large enough that without a proper cooling system in place, it could overheat. Your company relies on the security that data centers provide, so you’ll need some design to keep the server racks at their proper temperatures. With an airflow management system in place, you can do just that. Follow this guide when working with your team for your data center cooling design.

Why You Need an Airflow Management System

Data centers contain dense cabinet racks, and the denser the racks are, the more heat they create. Without data center designs using hot or cold aisle containment, the racks can become overheated. With consideration of the CRAC outlets and CRAC returns, construction teams can create an airflow pattern that minimizes the possibility of a data center malfunctioning.

What to Discuss with Your Airflow Management Team

Your airflow management systemwill need to meet multiple requirements. First and foremost, it needs to lower the temperature surrounding the server to protect the equipment. This means eliminating any hot spots within the server rack, as well as minimizing the chance for hot and cold aisle air from mixing. Your data center should not have open areas underneath cabinets and racks, or other space that air can leak out around and above the cabinets and racks. Additionally, you will not want any obstructions, like pipes, cable trays or lighting fixtures near your data center. When you work with your data center designers, they will work with a data center curtain manufacturer to construct the best plan.

Airflow Assessment

Each data center needs to have an individual, customized airflow management system. Designers create these plans taking the given space’s functionality for medium to large sizes of server rack equipment, as well as the safety for the space, into consideration. With the right airflow, the data center can remain stable in temperature and have extended longevity of use. Proper airflow can also decrease the energy use of computers, which in turn saves companies on utility costs.  A simple airflow assessment can let your team know how to proceed with the design for your data center.

Contact air flow management industry professionals at FabraCraft

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